Certified Quality System
PC Project has developed a Quality Management System suited to its organization, the activities carried out, and its specializations. This is done in order to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products, services, and performances that meet customer requirements and applicable mandatory standards. The intention is to implement and maintain effective management of internal processes, as established by the Quality Policy defined and disseminated by the Administrator.
The Quality Management System is defined in this Quality Manual and in Procedures and Instructions related to it, which together describe the prescriptions and methods for planning, executing, controlling, and monitoring the delivered performances, as well as the processes and activities related to them. They outline the criteria for review, updating, and continuous improvement of the System itself. This manual will integrate the Quality Management Manual Ed. 1 rev. 4 dated 17.03.2015, drafted according to ISO 9001-2008 standard.
Scope of Application
The Quality Management System applies to those activities that have a direct or indirect influence on the Quality of the processes for the realization of works and associated performances and supplies in the areas of intervention and specializations of the Company.
Specifically, the scope of application is related to ‘EA:34 Design of electrical installations; EA:19 Design and construction of electrical and automation panels’.
In this Quality Manual, the following are therefore defined or referred to:
- The Company’s Quality Policy and Objectives;
- The hierarchical and functional organization of the Company;
- The scope of application of the Quality Management System;
- The documentary structure of the Company’s Quality Management System, particularly the procedures prepared for its implementation and operation;
- he different processes that make up the Company’s Quality Management System and the interactions between them;
- The tasks, responsibilities, and authority assigned to the various internal functions included in the organizational chart, as well as the interfaces between these functions and with external organizations involved and interested in the Company’s Quality Management System;
- The criteria and requirements applicable for activities of control, assurance, and quality management, and for the planning and implementation of continuous improvement of the System and the Company’s organization.
The Manual, along with the procedures and instructions related to it, the activities of involvement, information, training, and personnel training, conveys to the Company’s Function Managers the Administrator’s will to adopt, optimize, and continually improve the Quality Management System. The dissemination of the Quality Policy and Objectives to all the company’s employees falls within the primary competencies of the Function Managers and occurs through the divulgation and support of the implementation of the criteria and prescriptions defined in this Manual and in the procedures and Instructions related to it, and through the constant transposition of the information necessary to provide, at different levels of the Company’s organization, the awareness of the importance of complying with specified requirements, customer satisfaction, and participation in improvement.